Monday 1 April 2019

Dinner Out

It's well known to my readers that I know how to impress a girl.  In my latest charm offensive to impress my girl, I asked her to find us a dining place for our first evening out and, as it was our first night of a new adventure I said I'd even allow her to pay for it!

She found a very acceptable pizza bar just down the road, reminiscent of Miller's Ale House at ChampionsGate near the villa.  It was freezing cold inside, so no change there!  Sunday evening or not, there wasn't enough room for us to eat at the open corner, so we went inside and shivered.

It may have been 79 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius for you young 'uns) outside at 7pm but the aircon was in fine form and we needed our sweaters which we weren't wearing!

Our very helpful and friendly waiter confirmed our suspicions that their 'pies' on the menu were indeed their pizzas so we went for a Margherita with extra toppings of mushrooms, olives, bacon and anchovies.  It took a while to arrive and was just the teeniest bit burned on the very tops but their topping rations were on the extremely generous side of king-size and the whole shebang was first rate.  And with free refills of Coke we were well away.  ELizabeth had insisted (twice at least!) that she was very hungry so, much against my better judgement we went for a large one - well as she was paying this time round it would have been a bit churlish on my part to have said 'No' and I was wanting to impress her as always, so it was agreed.

We're doing our best on this one!
Needless to say we didn't make it, but we have saved on breakfast this morning as we each have a rather large slice in the fridge here - not the first time that has happened - we even have a microwave here which is a first, we think.

Our local pizzeria looks a bit less exciting in the cold hard - well quite warm actually - light of day

I know you'll think I've taken this one by accident, but it's actually my first modest foray into the realms of artistic photography - "Study of Typical Tourist and Lady" by van Atkins - oh, no, the van, nay truck is on the next one!

That's a heck of a truck!

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