Monday 1 April 2019

I Recognize This Place!

We were enjoying what we thought was a 4-hour flight, when after about 2.5 hours it seemed we were losing height and speed.

The captain confirmed that and said we'd be down in 30 minutes.  As we'd been over the sea for quite while by now we were rather hoping that dry land - well at least land, even if it was swampy Florida - would be appearing some time soon.

It did!
I recognize Port Everglades down there. Can you see the cruise ship entering the channel to reach the open sea? You can also see a section of the Intra Coastal, the waterway that runs parallel to the coast from Miami up to Maine in the far north
Lots of waterfront properties


Driving is a joy - straight roads and not much traffic

And when they build road junctions, they build 'em big!

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